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  1. Islamic Law (Sharia): The Moors, being predominantly Muslim, would have followed Islamic law, also known as Sharia. Sharia encompasses various aspects of personal and legal matters, including family law, criminal law, and more. It is based on Islamic religious texts and jurisprudence.

  2. Customary Laws: In addition to Islamic law, there may have been customary laws and practices that varied among different Moorish communities. These customs could have influenced legal and social norms in the regions where the Moors had a significant presence, such as Al-Andalus (the Islamic name for the Iberian Peninsula).

  3. Legal Systems of Specific Dynasties: The Moors were associated with various dynasties and emirates in different regions and time periods. Each of these dynasties would have had its own legal system and administration of justice, which could be considered as part of “Moorish law.”
